KVK Longding Conducted Training Programme

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) longding conducted 3 days training programme on Integrated Disease Management in Large Cardamom and Citrus from 1st August to 3rd August 2018 at Niauno village. Altogether 25 farmers participated in the training programme.

The programme started with welcome address by G. Bagra, Sr. Scientist and Head (i/c). Dr. Senpon Ngomle, SMS Plant Protection gave a detail presentation on Large Cardamom and Citrus on initial 2 days of training programme. He emphasized more on organic management methods such as use of bio control agents, botanicals, selection of healthy and disease free planting materials and ask them to go for scientific package and practices of Large Cardamom and Citrus Cultivation.

Field visit was done on the 3rd day of training programme. During the visit various disease of large cardamom and Citrus was diagnose. In Large Cardamom garden, heavy infestation of viral disease Foorkey was observed. There, he suggested rouging and burning of virus infected plants in order to control its further spread.

In Citrus plantation, the major problems observed are fungal diseases i.e rotting. There, he suggested the farmers to adopt preventive measures like proper drainage to avoid excess irrigation and apply Bordeaux mixture at tree trunk upto 1 m.


Glimpses of Activity

Visit to L.Cardamom garden
Foorkey infected plant
Visit to Citrus Orchard
Fungal infected trunk
Group photo with participants